Ogilvie True Cost is our bespoke whole life vehicle tool that now includes low and no emission vehicles
Budget cost of charging EVs with Ogilvie True Cost
The meteoric rise in the popularity of electric vehicles has left businesses wondering how they can factor in the cost of ‘fuelling’ their fleets.
Whether the vehicles are charged at home, at the office or on the motorway, Ogilvie True Cost will help you make informed decisions about the cost of your fleet.
The new calculation for electric vehicles starts by calculating key information such as electric range, battery capacity and the cost of electricity – currently around 33.75p per kW/h in the UK.
It then includes the critical costs associated with NIC and then applies the relevant corporation tax savings to actual and direct fleet costs before adding back in any applicable lease rental restriction.
This builds up an extensive picture of each company vehicle enabling companies to make the best possible decision for their business.
The Ogilvie True Cost Matrix also factors in other areas where business savings could be made with electric vehicles, such as NIC contributions and corporation tax
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